Hi, just bought this TV ranchu. Feel free to comment !
Thu, 30 Sep 2004 10:15 am
1 look and confirm a thai fish. overall, not a top view structure. should be a sv fish. If it is a tv fish, then it's a uno type, no potential.
Thu, 30 Sep 2004 10:18 am
Quite surprise to see this labelled a topview ranchu. The tails suck (wrong shape, size and structure), the penducle too long, back bone too thin and body too short.
How big is this ranchu anyway?
Thu, 30 Sep 2004 5:51 pm
It's a defective sv ranchu that looks like tv? Can you post a sideview pic?
Fri, 01 Oct 2004 5:39 pm
lousy topview wannabe.
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