QUOTE(engliang @ Fri, 24 Mar 2006 12:09 am)
Ermm....how come there are 2 Frankies...and Frankie asking and anwering the questions himself??
"Frankie" is a
mask ID. It could be ANY member making a comment. "Secretary" is the
mask ID which represent the individual owners. Do you seriously think that a single person with the ID secretary can own so many fishes with standards ranging from very good to very bad? Please take some time to READ THROUGH the
pinned topics and try to understand the Goldfish Academy before making jaw-dropping statements like this.
Your so-called harsh comments were not edited by the moderators because they were frank to the dot. Frankly speaking, this is a below-average specimen. You are hearing it from an experienced ryukin player (I do not want to reveal the ID) when he said this "ryukin sXXks". So, on how bad it is: Can you FEEL it? But of course the important thing is that the owner LEARNED something, and that his next purchase will be on a better ryukin.
GA is not the place to read untrue flatteries on lousy fishes. Would you rather members posting untrue assessements like "swee ah!", "perfect fish" on this piece? I do not fancy living in a world of fallacies where all my ugly fishes are are being worshipped as "beautiful" in front of me but behind my back these people shake their heads in disgust. I believe in accepting FRANK (and sometimes they come harsh) comments to really learn. GA062 is a nearly-perfected ryukin. It will take a clown to comment it as otherwise. Comments posted out of mischief will not get pass me, or any moderator. You can be sure of that.
I am going to say this just one more time:
I do not believe in "Beauty is in the eye of beholder". On GOLDFISH, this is crap (but it applies on human, of course). You do NOT learn at all if you're being praised for your ugly fish. People tell you "Beauty is in the eye of beholder" so that they don't appear like BS to you. But if every goldfish hobbyist believes in "Beauty is in the eye of beholder" then goldfish standard/appreciation will stay stagnant. No need for breeding. No need to perfect your bloodline. No need to go for premium fish. One spawn 1000 eggs no need to cull - surely someone will buy. Breeders become lazy. Farmers become lazy. Goldfish standard rolls back to the 18th century... And you'll see the whole goldfish market collapse in time.