Hey i find a movie on You Tube whit a typical kind of Orandas.
I would like to no more information about them because i like them.
here is the link. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBcBk1EcO-w

Also if seen some outher movies about longer typt Oranda judgde in bowl from top, i think those ara Japanese top viuew Oranda, but the are somwaht more compackt than the ones in the video.

I love to no if this is a stabel breed and somone is selling this kind of fisches.

I realy like to see a cross breed between a bulky deep Tah Oranda whit a Nice long body Oranda out of the video.
Il think the outcome could be most interesting.
I realy Like Oranda and I love the Bulky singapur , or Thai Type, but The smaller Chines whit longer fins are also beuatiful, the biggest mis in Those deep oranda is that the often dont have nice long flowing fins, somthing i relay like to see.
I prefer al types but the longer boddy orandas whit flowing fins are more greacful in mine opinoin, than the Butchy big Thai ones, who have the grandour of a strong boddy builder.

Those fish on video would make great pund fish i think, i hope the are cold resistand( in Holland water temparature is 3/4 of the year below 15 degrees celcius, if not more) and we do have winter here whit ice :S
so iam keeping my Fancy goldfich in Fish tanks.

But thats just some opinoins,and the things i like and les like about Oranda.

So can anboddy tel me if the fish on the video are a stabele bloodline, and as much info as posible please.
I realy would appreciate al forms of comment.

Thanks in advandce.
Greetings Goldenpearl