What it is?
The RafflesGold Goldfish Academy is a special forum for us to discuss and comment on fellow members’ goldfish. You are welcomed to submit pictures (and/or provide a remote link to a video) of your goldfish anonymously and receive likewise anonymous but frank comments / assessment.
Why the need for anonymity in a public forum? Well, sometimes fellow members will not reply to a post asking for comments in the Fancy Goldfish forum because:-
- They don’t know you and aren’t sure if their frank comments will hurt your ego
- They don’t want to be looked upon as a self-proclaimed expert
- Etc
How it Works?
For the Owner of a Fish
Log in to your account as per usual and navigate to this forum. Add a new Topic and put in as much information about the fish as you can. Next, upload and attach the fish’s photo. Needless to say the photo must be clear and sharp. Do not send in photo of your fish in an adorable pose; we want mug shots -- perfect left, right and top profiles! To avoid possible copyright infringement and other legal technicality, make sure you also include a photo to prove that you are the owner the fish and it is in your possession now. Taking the photo with today’s newspaper by the side of the tank should be good enough, or whatever ways you see fit. We are not liable for any claims of rightful ownership.
After you hit the submit button, you will NOT find your post appearing on the board immediately. It’s in queue and waiting for the moderator to edit and remove your name from the post! Only then would your post be posted for everyone to read and comment. No one, except the moderators and administrators, will know who you are.
For the Reveiwers
Everyone can be a Reviewer. All you need to do is reply to the thread as per usual by clicking the “Add Reply” button. The key to your reply is you must be FRANK with your comments. After you hit the “Submit” button to submit your reply, you will notice your reply does not appear on the board for public reading immediately. It’s in queue waiting for the moderator to edit and remove your user name. Only then would your posting be readable publicly. No one, except the moderators and administrators, will know who you are.
We draw your attention to the forums posting guidelines which still apply.