This is one of my ranchu from Thailand. I bought her when she was about 2 1/2 inches, from Aquatic Connection for $25, on 19 December 2003.
This is she while she was still in the plastic bag she came home in. I was quite concerned over the black markings but they went away after a few days.
She's now slightly more then 5 1/4 inches.
Here's a close up of her head. Her headgrowth partially covers the bottom half of her eyes. She has relatively large pompoms but they aren't obvious in the pics.
Someone said you can't see the anal fins of an "excellent" ranchu. I'm not sure if it's true, but it's a good thing for her because she only has one anal fin (a lefty).
She has a 4-pivoted tails, that stay open and closing slightly when she's propelling forward.
May I have your frank comments please?
Thank you.