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Full Version: Ga 019 - Ranchu
RafflesGold Forums > Discussion Area > Goldfish Academy
GA Secretary
This is my Ranchu. All comments are appreciated. Thanks in advance!

IPB Image
The right tail looks crooked, but otherwise the tails have a relatively strong structure.

Penducle is thick and strong. With a better tails, this can be a powerful fish.

Length of head a tad too long in proportion to the body, or read in another way, the body is too short for the head.

The left and right eyes' are not inline with the right eye too forward.

Looks like it is well kept, but I don't know how you could improve on the tails. unsure.gif

Cheers, and keep up the good work!

PS. Colour and patterns scores low in competition but they influence other aspect of judging. The single white cheek not only looks odd (but surely a nice conversation point) but the pattern is such it makes it looks bigger, and we know "balance" is very important for a ranchu.
This fish was submitted via email.

The originally submitted pic was enhanced to remove the bluish tint, cropped and rotated to fit in a 500x375 pixels frame. However, the rotation may have exagerated the unbalanced eyes. Click here to see the original un-altered pics for comparison.
QUOTE(Secretary @ Thu 24 Jun 2004 12:58 PM)
This is my Ranchu.  All comments are appreciated.  Thanks in advance!

I think this is a nice Ranchu. OK, I wish that the body was longer but this may look this way because of the angle from which the photo was taken. I also think that the imperfect looking right part of the tail may have to do with the way this Ranchu moved when the photo was taken. I fully agree that the eyes are not symmetrical. Tail bones look strong, scales are beautiful and head is wide and long. I like this Ranchu. I did not see many Ranchu of this quality on this site.
How old is it ? How big is it ?


Geert Coppens
QUOTE(Secretary @ Thu 24 Jun 2004 07:58 PM)
This is my Ranchu.  All comments are appreciated.  Thanks in advance!

photo badly taken. Not going to make comment. Do take a few more shots for HB to edit.
It looks like the right check is slightly bigger than the left. Is the body a little too short for a top view ranchu? I believe that the tail will slant a little to the left when stationery. Peduncle and tail looks good.
GA Secretary
This ranchu from thailand. I bought it around jan. now it tosia size. thank you for your comment. biggrin2.gif
Hi there smile.gif
Did you buy this ranchu from HOR from Bukit Batok?
It looks very familiar....
How much did you pay?
Oh yes,it doesn't look quite like the Akoban's signature fish.
Anyway, with the right grooming this JR can turn out to be a nice pc. : good.gif
HOR dun get JRs right?,
their stocks come from Thailand
QUOTE(Frankie @ Sun 04 Jul 2004 12:01 AM)
Anyway, with the right grooming this JR can turn out to be a nice pc. :  good.gif

This is as thai as it can get. certainly not a jap in the usual definition. whether is it nice or not errhmm, gonna depends on personal taste wink.gif
GA Secretary
I bought it from my friend farm in thailand. it's thai ranchu. and not Mr. Aorkoban booldline. It's mr.jum booldline (Iyanaki + Naito). Thank you for your comment. smile.gif
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